Monday, April 28, 2008

Just fly, butterfly...

Fluturii lui Dali... ai mei

Just fly, dear butterfly...

Sunday, April 27, 2008


[Superwoman, Alicia Keys]
Let's say that for the moment I am just a Supergirl... I still have to grow up a little to become a Superwoman. But I am getting there...

When I grow up, I just want to be myself.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Just watch me :)

Citesc uneori ce imi mai cade pe mana. Cert este ca sunt interesata de gandurile altora, in special de cele intime. Si nu pot sa nu observ o tendinta negativa si comuna a tuturor acestor scrieri.
Toata lumea este zdruncinata de sentimente profunde: tristete, singuratate, melancolie, dor (de ceva ce a fost sau de ceva ce nu mai vine).

De ce sa ma tot ascund dupa deget?... Ca si eu sunt ca si altii, ca toti ceilalti. Si m-am saturat. De mine. De voi. De noi, noi amandoi... Si cumva, asta TREBUIE sa se schimbe!!
Am cateva solutii: ori nu mai scriu (ceea ce am facut pentru o vreme), ori ascund ce scriu (ceea ce fac si acum), ori scriu altceva... ceea ce incerc sa fac aici si sunt determinata sa si reusesc!! Tot despre mine, dar despre cealalta parte din mine.

So... just watch me be!!... :)
Tot ceea ce-am facut impreuna, ne va lega mereu...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Un copac cu flori

In fiecare zi cand plec si vin acasa ne privim. Si idila asta dureaza cam de 2-3 saptamani.
Era mai drept si mai timid la inceput, acum a devenit matur, greu, oarecum obosit... Dar incarcat. Cu flori. Roz. Roz deschis.
De curand a inceput sa ninga. Sub el s-au strans deja mii de petale. A inceput sa si le piarda. Desi inca mai are atatea... multe, multe, mici, marunte si roz :)
Sta aplecat sub greutatea fulgilor lui roz. Si-a aplecat crengile groase mai tare decat credeam ca se poate. A devenit intelept acum. Si ma priveste...
Si ma face sa zambesc de 2 ori pe zi...
:) :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cea mai frumoasa zi...

...a fost la inceput, cand nu ma puteai minti

[Cea mai frumoasa zi, Alexandru Andries]

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Despre viata, cu intelepciune

Probabil ca textul asta se mai afla deja in multe locuri pe net... dar cu riscul de a nu scrie nimic nou, iata-l: pretios...

Anul trecut, in aprilie, Maia Popescu a fost intervievata de Teo cu ocazia celei de a 74-a aniversari. Teo a intrebat-o ce parere are ea despre batranete. Si acolo, la televizor, Maia a spus: ,,Ma excita"!
In ceea ce priveste modificarile fizice, ea a spus ca sunt multe, ca au loc zilnic, cum este si cazul sanilor ei. Acestia par ca sunt intr-o cursa: care ajunge la talie mai repede! Publicul a ras cu lacrimi.
O femeie atat de simpla si sincera cu vorbe atat de intelepte! Iata gandurile ei:

- Am invatat ca indiferent ce se intampla, indiferent de cat de rea pare viata azi, viata merge inainte si maine va fi mai bine.
- Am invatat ca poti caracteriza o persoana dupa felul cum se comporta in trei situatii: intr-o zi ploioasa, cand isi pierde bagajul si cand pune instalatia electrica in bradul de Craciun.
- Am invatat ca indiferent de relatia pe care o ai cu parintii tai, tot o sa-ti fie dor de ei cand vor pleca din viata ta.
- Am invatat ca a-ti face un trai nu este sinonim cu a face o viata.
- Am invatat ca viata iti da uneori o a doua sansa.
- Am invatat ca nu trebuie sa mergi prin viata cu mainile gata numai sa primeasca. Este nevoie sa mai arunci si inapoi din ce primesti.
- Am invatat ca de cate ori hotarasti sa faci ceva cu inima deschisa, sigur ai luat o hotarare buna.
- Am invatat ca atunci cand am dureri nu trebuie sa fiu eu una.
- Am invatat ca in fiecare zi trebuie sa atingi pe cineva. Oamenii iubesc o imbratisare calda sau o atingere prieteneasca pe spate.
- Am invatat ca oamenii uita ce ai zis sau ce ai facut, dar nu uita niciodata cum i-ai facut sa se simta.
- Am invatat ca am inca multe de invatat.


When you're this sick, you're always alone.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Cel mai frumos gand

Te simt aproape, ca fiind familia mea...
Te iubesc!!

Este usor

Este atat de usor sa iubesti... sa fii cald, dulce, grijuliu, protectiv, atent, dragastos... atunci cand esti iubit!
Si este atat de previzibil sa fii "demanding"... si gelos, egoist, rautacios... atunci cand iti lipseste dragostea celuilalt, si tocmai asta este tot ceea ce iti doresti si ceea ce ai nevoie mai mult si mai mult pe lumea asta...

Imi caut scuze?...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

...devenise vrajitoare

Parul ii era demult valvoi, in timp ce lumina lunii ii scalda suierand trupul gol... devenise vrajitoare.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Simply... Barcelona

As putea sa scriu la nesfarsit despre orasul asta... Poate si pentru ca am atatea de spus, mi-e greu sa ma apuc, ca nu gasesc niciodata momentul bun. I simply adore it... :)
Sa povestesc despre Gaudi si formele si culorile lui? Mi-am cumparat o carte despre el si arhitectura lui... Si mi-am cumparat si un degetar intr-un mozaic verde. Pur si simplu splendid!! Culorile in mozaic erau peste tot: pe cladiri , in hainele oamenilor, in sticlarie, in bijuterii, in viata fiecaruia...
Sa povestec mai bine cum este sa te plimbi printr-un acvariu si sa iti treaca rechinii pe deasupra capului? Sau sa spun cum se reflecta lumina prin apa si cat de frumos ajungea sa sclipeasca totul pe tine?...
Sa povestesc despre oamenii zambitori si atat de relaxati pe care ii vedeai pe strada? Se vedea ca oamenii aia traiau intr-un oras pe malul marii, unde poti sa iti iei o vacanta intr-o dupa-amiaza...
Sa povestesc despre nisip si mare?... Nu, asta ar fi mult prea clasic :)
Sa povestesc despre casele-cubuletze, asezate unele peste altele, de parca ar fi fost cubuletele de plastic colorat ce le aveam in dotare la gradinita?...
Sa povestesc despre umbra palmierilor si portocalilor sau despre soarele dulce de martie care te alinta?...
Si muzica?!? Sa spun despre flamenco?... Am vazut 2 feluri: unul "cu suflet" si unul comercial, clar care a fost mai frumos:) Recomand calduros CamarĂ³n (in traducere, "Crevetele")!! Si de asemenea recomand furtunos barul Jazzsi, unde in fiecare seara se canta muzica live. Si ce muzica... I have no more words :)
Nu... nu cred ca am sa povestesc nimic din toate minunatiile astea. Le las sa dospeasca in sufletul meu pana cand dorul va creste atat de mult, incat va trebui sa ma intorc acolo.

Si un ultim gand... Am aflat ceva foarte frumos: calutii de mare sunt monogami (au acelasi partener toata viata) si isi arata afectiunea in fiecare zi, incolacindu-si coditele impreuna :)

I am so in love... :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

5 Relationship Resolutions

Listen to this first:

[Wise Up, Aimee Mann]

And then read this:

At 27, I found myself standing on a Manhattan sidewalk, staring into the scruffy face of yet another huge dating disaster. Lied to , mistreated and cheated on, I'd been publicly humiliated. My ego was crushed. Having loved and lost again, I felt frustrated, beaten down and so very tired of this thing called love. And I was full of the why-me's.

Why didn't he love me? Why did this happen to me? Why does this always happen to me?

Several weeks after my breakup, the pity party was still in full swing. Lying on my living room sofa, in a mess of soggy tissues and gooey Fudgsicle sticks, I was spending the umpteenth consecutive night communing with Netflix and my misery. It was ugly. But then, right in the middle of all that feeling sorry for myself, something pretty amazing happened: I heard a song. Actually, it was just one line from a song:

"It's not going to stop 'til you wise up."

It was a line from Aimee Mann's "Wise Up," and after hearing the song just once, I made it my anthem. I downloaded it to my iPod, hit repeat and then commuted to it, cried to it, showered to it… until the day I was ready to do some actual wising up. I had learned from my experience, but it took my listening to those lyrics, articulated in just the right way, before I understood it.

Bad relationships didn't just happen to me. I allowed them to happen.

And it was time to put a stop to it. I would set boundaries — a set of relationship resolutions — for myself and for those I spent time with, and I would stick to them.

I will learn to say "next!"
Plain and simple, the world is full of men. Everywhere you turn, there's a man. Look — there goes one now! A wise woman once told me that men are like city buses: If you miss one, there will always be another. I decided that, from now on, I would not assign any man too much meaning too early on. I am not going to worry that I won't find "it" again. I will not worry that I'll end up in a rocking chair surrounded by cats and empty wine bottles. I will remember that there will always be another.

I will expect more and tolerate less
Not all men are self-loathing, egocentric, cheating bastards. In fact, most people have a lot more good to them than bad, and by and large, will live up to the expectations you set for them. Not since junior high have I worried that a friend would hurt or disappoint me. But with men, it's been a constant fear. I realized that this was all because of expectations. If I did not expect — or even demand — that a man treat me right, he probably wasn't going to. I'm not talking about princessy stuff here, like buying me dinner or calling by Tuesday if he wants to see me on Saturday. I'm talking about basic good treatment. Like following through with plans. Or being aware of my feelings. Or not leaving his cell phone on another girl's nightstand and telling me he'd lost it. You know, common consideration. And when common consideration is breached? Next!

I will get busy
Because men are wired differently and may as well live in a different time zone, playing the "why hasn't he called?" game is a guaranteed express trip to Crazytown. Why hasn't he called? Who knows? But I do know that I should be too busy to worry about it. Untapped potential was like my emotional saddlebags — unattractive even if no one noticed it but me. I resolved to make plans, resurrect my hobbies and spend my time doing and thinking and being. If he calls, great! If not, I will be way too occupied with all my fabulous self-fulfillment to notice.

I will not play it cool
To keep myself from feeling exposed and vulnerable, I'd gotten very good at using the phrase "that's okay" when it was really, really not okay. There were so many times I didn't get angry when I should have, for fear of coming off as too emotional or unhinged. Well, you know what? Unhinge this! If the situation calls for it, and the difference between sucking it up and having a bit of a blowup could be months of festering in a foul mood, I'm going to let him have it. The same goes for positive emotions. If a man does something to delight me, I'm going to act delighted. Forget cool sophistication! And if he gets weirded out by all of my emoting? You guessed it: Next!

I will lighten up
The pursuit and maintenance of coupling may have made me do surprising things, but even more astounding was what it made me forget. I am pretty damn awesome. I am funny and talented, and I look pretty smokin' in jeans and stilettos. Getting caught up in the worry of trying to please a man, and working overtime to postpone an inevitable breakup is a huge time-waster. And a killjoy. A man's opinion of me is not more important that my own opinion of myself, so I shouldn't take it so seriously. I will remember to laugh more, worry less and like who I am — man or no man — and to redirect some of that energy into pleasing myself.

Unlike New Year's resolutions, which last only as long as my dieting attention span (six weeks max), my Relationship Resolutions have become ironclad. They've become a safety net and are a constant reminder that I don't need to second-guess myself or feel insecure. By wising up and following my resolutions, I might spend more time by myself than I did in the past. But on the upside, I've discovered that I like the company a whole lot more.

Taken from here

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cheating vs Relationship

Cheating is simple; a relationship is more complicated. Cheating usually offers instant gratification, physically and emotionally. A relationship requires lots of maintenance. Giving it care and attention along with trust and communication will continuously help both people grow.

If you become involved with another person, you owe it to yourself and your spouse to be honest. Creating lie upon lie will only hurt everyone involved. Take a close look at your relationship before seeking happiness with another person.

Also, remember that the new person will require just as much maintenance. No matter how green the grass looks, eventually it will need to be grained, fertilized and trimmed or before you know it, you'll have weeds all over the place. Something to think about the next time that pretty girl at the office smiles at you, boys. Get it on!

[from Why Do People Cheat?]

Monday, April 14, 2008


...sentiment care vine in galop si dispare in varful picioarelor... :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Viata e...

... ca un concurs in care va castiga cel care isi va ascunde cel mai bine sentimentele si trairile negative.
Cel mai vesel om este cel care va castiga!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sfat de la mama

Cred ca cel mai important sfat pe care pot sa ti-l dau este sa fii foarte ingaduitoare cu el, cu tine si cu toti din jurul tau. dateaza din 2006, sfatul este permanent valabil.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Vreau prieteni si mai ales prietenE roz, violet, portocaliu si verde.

La o adica ca prieteni... vreau numai oameni normali, in culori clasice, in combinatii clasice, in asorteuri clasice. Clasici. Not-fucked-up, no nothing!! (asta daca mai exista asa ceva, pe lumea asta, la varsta asta...)

Dar prietenele... vreau sa fie roz. Si violet. Si portocaliu. Si verde.
Cred ca am citit prea multe bloguri in ultima vreme, care apartin unor fete care par a fi exact in culorile pe care le vreau si eu sa le am in mine si in jurul meu. De ce lumea pare sa fie mult mai colorata in imaginatia mea decat in realitate? Si de ce tot timpul vreau ceva ce sigur exista in capul meu, dar de care nu sunt sigura ca pot gasi si in realitate?... Sau cel putin pana acum nu prea am gasit...

De ce iarba pare intotdeauna mai verde de cealalta parte a gardului?...

De ce moda in Bucuresti pare atat de vesela, colorata si cu bun gust? La dracu, eu sunt acum in Paris!! Sunt cu pluta! :((( De ce mi se pare ca in Bucuresti se pot castiga acum suficienti bani cat sa ai casa, masina, amandoua frumos colorate si cu bun gust decorate, cat sa ai hainute mov si prieteni veseli si roz, vacante insorite in fiecare weekend la mare sau la munte, sau cel putin intr-o padure, cat sa mananci cas cu rosii in fiecare zi si sa vrei fois-gras, si nu invers!!!

Sunt cu pluta! Imi vine sa imi dau palme!

In seara asta am sa ma imbrac cu bluza larga de matase turquoise, cu funda jos si broderie pe piept... cu pantalonii negri 3/4 stramti... cu ciorapii de plasa... si cu pantofii noi cu toc si catarame. Daca mai adaug si bratara si niste cercei turquoise, cu atat mai bine... Trebuie doar sa ma hotarasc care pereche de cercei, ca am 3 care ar merge. Parul desfacut si ondulat. Parfumul... "The one", Dolce&Gabbana. Machiajul... ma mai gandesc, ca nu stiu daca e cazul sa insist tot in aceeasi gama de culori. Poate ceva in nuante discrete, desi nu cred ca am sa renunt la tona de rimel :)
Si uite asa ma duc la un party. Unul romanesc, the real stuff! Yey!! Debordez de entuziasm... se vede, nu?! :P

Sunt cu pluta! Tu, fata roz si violet si portocaliu si verde... fii prietena mea, si fa-mi un favor: da-mi o palma!!

Sunt cu pluta! O pluta care e roz si violet si portocaliu si verde!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


A text from Edvard Munch's diary in 1892 relates to The Scream:

[Nice 22.01.1892]
I was walking along a path with two friends
the sun was setting
I felt a breath of melancholy
Suddenly the sky turned blood-red
I stopped and leant against the railing,
deathly tired
looking out across flaming clouds that hung
like - blood and a sword over the
deep blue fjord and town
My friends walked on -
I stood there trembling with anxiety
And I felt a great, infinite scream pass
through nature.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fucked-up people

TOTI oamenii pe care ii cunosc sunt "fucked-up". Cei care nu par sa fie, de fapt nu ii cunosc indeajuns.